Zim - A Desktop Wiki


Latest release: 0.76.1 - Jan 2025

This program depends on a number of prerequisites. Most Linux distributions have standard packages for these bindings, if your distribution has these packages installing them will probably be much easier than compiling them manually.

In order to compile and install the source run:

$ ./test.py
$ ./setup.py install

More detailed instructions to build from source can be found in the README.md file which is included with the sources


Download here



Unofficial ubuntu package (.deb) can be found here

There is also a PPA with updates for zim here


A Windows installer can also be found here. This installer is built and tested on Windows 10 in a 64-bit environment. It might work on Windows 7 as well, but this is not tested. Older versions and 32-bit systems are not supported by this installer.


A macOS app can be found here. It supports macOS Big Sur up to macOS Sequoia.
See the configuration section in the readme on where to find configuration files and how to get plugins to recognize external dependencies.

Other Distributions

Numerous Linux distributions and BSD flavors are known to include zim:
Packaging status

In specific the following distributions are known to include zim: