Zim - A Desktop Wiki

Commandline Options

Output from "zim --help":

   or: zim --gui [OPTIONS] [NOTEBOOK [PAGE_LINK]]
   or: zim --server [OPTIONS] [NOTEBOOK]
   or: zim --export [OPTIONS] NOTEBOOK [PAGE]
   or: zim --import [OPTIONS] NOTEBOOK PAGE FILES
   or: zim --search [OPTIONS] NOTEBOOK QUERY
   or: zim --index  [OPTIONS] NOTEBOOK
   or: zim --plugin PLUGIN [ARGUMENTS]
   or: zim --manual [OPTIONS] [PAGE_LINK]
   or: zim --help

NOTEBOOK can be a local file path, a local file URI or a notebook name
PAGE is be a fully specified page name
PAGE_LINK is a fully specified page name optionally extended with an anchor ID

General Options:
  --gui             run the editor (this is the default)
  --server          run the web server
  --export          export to a different format
  --import          import one or more files into a notebook
  --search          run a search query on a notebook
  --index           build an index for a notebook
  --plugin          call a specific plugin function
  --manual          open the user manual
  -V, --verbose     print information to terminal
  -D, --debug       print debug messages
  -v, --version     print version and exit
  -h, --help        print this text

GUI Options:
  --list            show the list with notebooks instead of
                    opening the default notebook
  --geometry        window size and position as WxH+X+Y
  --fullscreen      start in fullscreen mode
  --non-unique      start a new process, do not connect to an existing process
  --standalone      start a new process per notebook, implies --non-unique

Server Options:
  --port            port to use (defaults to 8080)
  --template        name or filepath of the template to use
  --private         serve only to localhost
  --gui             run the gui wrapper for the server

Export Options:
  -o, --output      output directory (mandatory option)
  --format          format to use (defaults to 'html')
  --template        name or filepath of the template to use
  --root-url        url to use for the document root
  --index-page      index page name
  -r, --recursive   when exporting a page, also export sub-pages
  -s, --singlefile  export all pages to a single output file
  -O, --overwrite   force overwriting existing file(s)

Import Options:
  --format          format to read (defaults to 'wiki')
  --assubpage       import files as sub-pages of PATH, this is implicit true
                    when PATH ends with a ":" or when multiple files are given

Search Options:
  -s, --with-scores print score for each page, sort by score

Index Options:
  -f, --flush       flush the index first and force re-building

Try 'zim --manual' for more help.