Zim - A Desktop Wiki


The Equation Editor plugin is supported, equations entered with this plugin are automatically placed inside math environments. Embedded Images of types that are not supported by the TeX Engine of your choice may lead to compilation errors. For pdflatex the supported types are PDF, JPG, JBIG2, and PNG, for latex it is EPS. Index creation is currently not working.


All templates depend on several LaTeX packages


The following templates are supplied:


This template is based (and depends) on the KOMA-Script Report Class scrreprt. It generates a title page and a table of contents and is, therefore, more suitable for longer pages. To display checkboxes it depends on the wasysym package.


This template is based (and depends) on the KOMA-Script Report Class scrartcl. It omits the lowest heading and is therefore not suitable for deeply structured documents. To display checkboxes it depends on the wasysym package.


The result from this template can not be compiled on its own: it is designed to be a part of a larger document and be included (\include{}) in a master document.

Template Options


Possible values: 'report', 'article', 'book'
Default: 'report'

The exported LaTeX code will use only commands suitable for the given document class (e.g. sectioning commands).